Blue Bonnet Review

A Literary Journal Featuring Poetry, Fiction and Nonfiction by Talented Writers Around the Globe

A literary journal featuring poetry, fiction and nonfiction by writers around the globe. 

Leah Angstman

Leah Angstman is a transplanted Midwesterner, unsure of what feels like home anymore. Recently, she won the Loudoun Library Foundation Poetry Contest and Nantucket Directory Poetry Contest and was a placed finalist in the Bevel Summers Prize for Short Fiction (Washington & Lee University) and Pen 2 Paper Writing Competition (in both Poetry and Fiction categories). She serves as Editor-in-Chief of Alternating Current Press, and her work has appeared in numerous journals, including Los Angeles Review of BooksTupelo QuarterlyMidwestern GothicAtticus Review, and Shenandoah. She can be found at

Leah is one of the top ten finalists of Blue Bonnet Review's Fall Poetry Contest. Read her poem "Step into this photograph with me" here.